Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Southampton Doesn't have a beach!

Having had the week from hell, stressing about anything and everything I decided that the best thing to do was, and I quote Monty Python here- 'RUN AWAY!', successfully adopting the thanks giving dinner at my house for 15 people Deborah invited. Turkey isn't my thing, however I did try to make stuffing balls for her and managed to burn my hands several times in the process. Possibly because we used boiling water in the mixture.

So, my genius de-stress plan was to run off to Southampton to stay with Laura and Iain for a couple of days to chill. Far away enough to get away from everything and they seemed happy enough for me to invite myself.

Friday was spent shopping upon the realization that Southampton beach was completely repaced by the doc (may be at university but am still a bit slow!). Come to think of it, shopping is no bad consolation. I did have every intention on starting my Christmas shopping ofcourse and I did look but alas, as per usual I spent ridiculous amounts of money on myself. (good cure to stress if ever I came across one)

It was so good so see Laura and Iain. I finally gave them their wedding present which had been sitting in the corner of my bedroom since the beginning of July. 4 and a half months- that's a strong effort! I have never seen anyone so excited about storage jars. One can only assume that it was a case of simple things! I have to admit, it was quite exciting how they matched all their other kitchen utensils- I have a simple mind too! Iain then decided to wash them out before using them and was gutted that he had to wait for them to dry. I helpfully suggested he used Laura's hair-dryer to dry them. He took me seriously!

Friday evening I found myself categorizing someone's leaving party and showing my mastery skill at playing giant pick-up sticks. The fact that I'd helped Laura to make some home-made tzanziki (zanzoozoo as she called it!) helped a little bit so I didn't feel so awkward. That and a glass of wine. I don't think any of us had expected the party to go on until so late. We left at 3am. Arrived in Southampton at 4am. I got to sleep at 5am then woke up around half 9 and couldn't get back to sleep.

I returned to London feeling empowered, able to take the world on and feeling a little silly for thinking that a bad day was justification for dropping out of my course to arrive home to a tidy house- nice! As I sat in my living room I'd noticed an extra 4 empty bottles of wine on our window sill- and then there were 11. Apparently people were commenting at thanks giving about all the empty wine bottles and both my housemates informed everyone that they don't drink wine so now everyone probably thinks I have a drink problem. (just for the record- I didn't buy any of the bottles on the window sill and in total I've probably only drunk 2 glasses of wine since I moved into my house.

So now I look like an alcoholic, I didn't get any shopping done and I didn't get to go to the beach on account of Southampton not having one. Oh happy day!

Friday, November 19, 2004

a little help from my friends

I wasn't going to post today, I've been feeling a little bit down and miserable and wanting to hide. Then my friend Umaima sent me this e-mail. I thought I couldn't ignore it. There's no point in pretending your something your not and I just felt I should post this beacuse I am a real person, not a robot stuck in happy mode all the time. The fact is, I may be happy most of the time but then I have my moments. Everyone does. Friendship means letting other people see your bad bits instad of trying to hide them away.

Somewhere between the *procrastination* and the homework..
and the incessant forwards and the friendships
and the calls to each other complaining about CrUsHeS
and BF/GF!! Somewhere between the phone calls to oldfriends and the "I miss you's",
the "I love you's" andthe "What are we doing tonight's?"
And somewhere between all of the changing and growing...
somewhere between the classes and the skippingclasses...
and the StUdYiNg for teStS...
And thePRETENDING to "StUdY" for TeStS...
And the downright NOT StUdYiNg for TeStS...
I forgot--I forgot what ScHooL was all about.
Somewhere between all the appointments, starbucks or BO'S coffee,
and McDonald's... paying bills and then not paying bills...
Making plans then breaking plans...
Appearing, Disappearing, then reappearing...
I forgot--I forgot what it was like to cry.
I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy...
A nd that pretending tobe SmArT doesn't make you smart ..
I forgot that you can't just forget the past infear of the FUTURE...
I forgot that you can't control falling in LoVe..
And that you can't make yourself fall in *LoVe*.... I learned that I can LOVE...
I learned that it's okay to MEsS UP.... And it's okay to ask for HELP!!!..
And it's okay to feel like crap... I learned it's okay to cOmPLaiN
and wHINe to all your friends for a whole day........
I learned that sometimes the things you want most you just can't have
and the things that you look for are right in front of you.
I learned that the greatest thing about HiGh ScHOoL and CoLLeGe
and the working world it isn't about the parties or the DRiNKiNG or the Hookups ...
It's the *FrIeNdShIpS*, which means taking chances.
I learned that sometimes the things we want to forget
are the things which we most need to talk about...
I learned that TIME and LOVE can heal all things...
I learned that just when you think it can't get worse - it does!
...but with the love and support of friends - you survive...
I've learned that when you start feeling BaD about L O S I N G touch
and about those that you've lost!
They too, are feeling the same way....
I learned that letters from friends are the most important things.
And that sending cards to your friends makes you feel better!
But, basically, I just learned that my friends........
Both old and new.....
are the most important people to me in the world AND
.......without them, I wouldn't be who I am today

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Public speaker available for Christenings and bar mitzvahs!

I had to do a debate today for my Martin Luther course.
Despite all the nerves, shaking like a leaf, panicking in the morning over not reading enough, creative use of a board pen, etc, I triumphed and prevailed in an outstanding victory! Well I would have done if we'd bothered to vote anyway.
I have to say right this minute I feel ready to take the world on. Adrenaline is wonderful stuff.
I know, I know- it may well be one small step for man but its a giant leap for me. I still can't believe that I actually volunteered to stand up in front of a class of people to argue a point that initially I didn't agree with.

Well, now that's out of the way I have to start my many millions of essays. First one due next week and then I have one a week- whey-hey! Its going to be Elena the party animal from here on in obviously! I say that but mind you I don't get out much- getting out requires too much effort and I am essentially a lazy mare. Ok, so that's a bit harsh, lets say I'm just a creature of habit, a habit of sitting in front of the TV and not moving until I need either food or sleep- depending on which comes first!

I've written myself a to-do list for this week of 28 things. So far I've done 2 things on the list so I think its going well! Usually what happens when I write these things is I manage to get all the little mundane things dome but anything that actually requires lots of work generally gets left to the next week! Ah well- you know what they say; never do today what you can put off until tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Picture of Productivity

My aspirations of attempting to get two essays done during reading week are rapidly going out the window. So far my sum achievements of this week are writing an article for the student papaer and having lots of fun in tescos! Such is the exciting life I lead.

I'm cooking for my homegroup tomorrow evening. My culinary creation will be the ultimate veggie dish- vegetable lasagne.I challenge you to go to any house as a vegetarian,I tell you nine times out of ten they give you lasagne. This is ofcourse if you are not living in cambridge- there they give you nut roast! Having wowed my small group previously with my chocolate fudge cake I feel I have a reputation to maintain.

Ah well, tomorrow is another day. With a bit of luck I'll get some work done besides getting creative in the kitchen and Meeting the RTSF woman for a chat.
I am an optomist after all!