Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

It's 1st January 2006, its a new year and how do I choose to see in the new year? By writing yet another depressing song. For a change.

Its that time of year
For new beginnings and resolutions
And promises made that you know will be be broken by this time tomorrow
And I'm sitting here
Wondering, praying, feeling, hoping
I will achieve these things this year

That I'll be a good girl
That I'll be brave
That I'll be happy, healthy and a little more Godly
But by this time tomorrow
My head will be a mess
But I'm still hoping
And clinging to this dream

And I dream
That I claim my life back, live each moment
And feel secure in the hope I know is mine
And I dream
I wont just get by but I'll fly away
And saw above with eagles.

And I'll be a good girl
And I'll be brave
And I'll be happy, healthy and a little more Godly
But by this time tomorrow
My head will be a mess
But I'm Still hoping
And clinging to this dream.

Its that time again
I push aside all my disappointments
Of last year's shattered, broken, lost dreams
But What I fear
Is that all that haunts me and scares my soul
Will always remain, will always be here

If I be a good girl
If I be brave
If I be happy, healthy a little more Godly
But by this time tomorrow
My head will be a mess
But I'm still hoping
And clinging to this dream

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