Thursday, March 15, 2007


The death toll this morning- another 2 dead ones and 2 live ones. This is a nightmare! (although for them our church is a little mousey paradise!) With a building this big its impossible to suss out where they are comming from. There's enough food for them lying round for them in this place, nowonder they are here. Yesterday I went through the fairtrade cupboard and discovered that they are particularly partial to devine milk chocolate- they have taste! On of my collegues joked that if they are only eating the chocolate then they must be female. Deborah's suggestion was that they might be having chocolate cravings because they are pregnant. I really hope not!
I could really have done without this the week before kids club but I guess on the plus side, I'm having to clean every last millimeter of this church maticulously. By the time I'm done, this place will be sparkling.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Casualty count:
4 fatalities
1 Prisoner of war

Mouse Watch

At the request of the lovely Miss Wong- welcome to the world of mousewatch. For those who are unaware, there is arevival going on at my church- a revival on a mass scale. Unfortunately, it is a revival of mice. Along the deep dark corners around the church and around the parish you will the little critters gunning for world domination- Do not be fooled by their cute little furry noses.
A charter of war has been declared against the present rodent community and rest assured I will win!